5️Pump Batch Sell All Tokens Guide
Sell Pump Tokens from Multiple Addresses
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Sell Pump Tokens from Multiple Addresses
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Let’s consider the following scenario: after using the PUMP batch buying feature to purchase tokens across multiple addresses or during price-pumping and volume-boosting activities, you now want to sell all the tokens from these addresses. What’s the best way to do it?
Traditionally, there are three common approaches:
Manual Selling: Switch wallets manually to sell the tokens one by one. This process is slow, and front-running bots might outpace your transactions, making it inefficient.
Using Bots to Sell: Automated bots can handle the selling for you, saving manual effort. However, the speed of execution might still be insufficient to meet your needs.
Consolidate and Sell: Collect all tokens into a single address and sell them together. While this sounds like a good solution, it involves the extra step of consolidation, which can be inconvenient.
Because of the challenges associated with bulk token selling, PandaTool has developed a bundled sell feature. By importing your wallet private keys, you can sell all PUMP tokens from multiple wallets at once. Currently, up to 21 addresses can be processed in one session. If you have more wallets, you can repeat the process multiple times.
Go to PandaTool’s qucik sell tool at: https://solana.pandatool.org/en/sellpump or find the bundled sell button in the navigation bar on the Pandatool official website.
Once on the bundled sell page, put in the following parameters:
Pump Token: Enter the PUMP token contract address and click "Check."
Token Name: Automatically detected after querying; noneed to fill in.
Token Symbol: Automatically detected after querying; no need to fill in.
Jito Fee: Default is 0.001 SOL. If the bundling fails, try increasing the Jito fee (this is not needed for fewer than 4 addresses, but required for more than 4).
Bundled Wallet Settings: Please note that the connected wallet does not participate in bundled selling. All fees are paid by the first imported wallet address.
Next, you need to import the wallet private key to be traded
After importing your wallets, click "Refresh Balance." You should see a page similar to this:
It is important to note that the SOL balance in the first wallet address must exceed 0.3; otherwise, the transaction cannot be executed.
☝ For up to four addresses, Jito bundling is not required, and the success rate is high. This is the recommended method!
☝ A maximum of 21 addresses can be bundled in one transaction. For more than four addresses, Jito bundling is required. ☝ Due to network conditions, Jito node activity, and other factors, this feature may fail. Please confirm as quickly as possible.
☝ To improve the success rate, confirm the transaction in your wallet as soon as it pops up.
☝ If the bundling fails, there are no fees. Try switching the RPC node and retrying during times of low network activity.
When you click "Sell Now," the platform’s front-end will automatically execute the transaction, selling all the tokens in the imported addresses. Note that all tokens will be sold, and you cannot specify a quantity.
Wait 15–30 seconds. If the transaction is not successful, it is likely that the process failed, and you will need to resubmit.
If the sale succeeds, you will see the following message:
Afterward, click "Refresh Balance" to see that the balance is now 0.
1. Does the bundled sell function charge fees?
Answer:Yes, there is a fee of 0.01 SOL per address, and this fee is paid entirely by the first wallet.
2. Does bundled sell sell all tokens in the wallet?
Answer:No, it only sells the specified Pump tokens. Other tokens in the wallet will not be affected.
3. What happens if the sale fails?
Answer:For up to four addresses, the sale should rarely fail. For more than four addresses, Jito bundling is required, and failure is possible. If this happens, refresh and retry with an increased Jito fee.
If you have any other questions, feel free to join our Telegram group for assistance from volunteers: https://t.me/pandatool_en